Things to look forward to after Lockdown…

Hugging those precious people in your life. Loud, live music in a sticky-floored establishment. That first sip of an oat milk flat white in your favourite coffee shop with a book that you've never read. First date disasters and the debrief over wine with your friends afterwards. Trying the latest health food craze, and thenContinue reading "Things to look forward to after Lockdown…"

If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gon’ love somebody else… Can I get an amen up in here…

Self-acceptance is a challenge at the best of times; but particularly at a time like this when you have nothing but time to critique and over analyse every dimension of your internal and external being. You could find fault in anything if you stared at it for long enough, EVEN Gigi Hadid's face... I mean,Continue reading "If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gon’ love somebody else… Can I get an amen up in here…"